ID Alarm
System reaction
290 Fault cold generation
Fault cold supply
All units in the zone continue to run without
Rectify fault.
291 Fault condensate pump
The pump has a fault or the corre-
sponding circuit breaker has tripped.
The unit continues to run without cooling. Rectify fault.
300 Max limit room temperature
The room temperature has exceeded
the maximum warning limit.
Reduce the room temperature
below the warning limit or adjust
the limit value.
301 Min limit room temperature
The room temperature has dropped
below the minimum warning limit.
Increase the room temperature
above the warning limit or adjust
the limit value.
302 Max limit supply air temperature
The supply air temperature has
exceeded the maximum warning limit.
Eliminate the reason why the
supply air temperature was
exceeded or adjust the limit value.
303 Min limit supply air temperature
The supply air temperature has
dropped below the minimum warning
Eliminate the reason why the
supply air temperature was under-
shot or adjust the limit value.
325 Fault external setpoint extract air/recir-
culation damper
The signal or the cabling has a fault.
327 Fault external operating mode signal
mixed air units
The signal or the cabling has a fault.
328 Fault external operating mode signal
recirculation units
The signal or the cabling has a fault.
600 Feedback alarm heating valve
The valve is sticking or the actuator is
defective or a manual intervention is in
Check the mechanical and elec-
trical systems of the valve and
actuator, rectify the error.
Reset alarm.
601 Feedback alarm cooling valve
605 Feedback alarm recirculation damper
The damper is sticking or the actuator
is defective or a manual intervention is
in progress.
Check the mechanical and elec-
trical systems of the damper and
actuator, rectify the error.
Reset alarm.
606 Feedback alarm actuator Air-Injector
The Air-Injector is sticking or the actu-
ator is defective or a manual interven-
tion is in progress.
Check the mechanical and elec-
trical systems of the Air-Injector
and actuator, rectify the error.
Reset alarm.
607 Feedback alarm heating pump
The control for feedback has a fault or
a manual intervention is in progress.
Rectify fault.
Reset alarm.
608 Feedback alarm cooling pump
613 Feedback alarm changeover valves
614 Feedback alarm changeover valves
721 Local protection mode L_REC active
Protection mode was activated as the
result of another alarm.
The unit continues to run in L_REC protec-
tion mode.
Rectify fault.
722 Central protection mode REC active
Protection mode was activated as the
result of another alarm.
All units in the zone continue to run in
protection mode REC.
Rectify fault.
723 Emergency operation active
An external signal has activated the
emergency operation function.
The unit runs in emergency operation.
Deactivate the external signal.
900 Zone offline
There is no longer any communication
with this zone.
All units in the zone run in offline mode.
Online functions are not active.
Check IP network.
Rectify fault.
901 Unit offline
There is no longer any communication
with this unit.
The unit runs in offline mode with prede-
fined parameters.
Online functions are not active.
The frost protection function is not ensured.
Check cabling.
Rectify fault.
902 Recirculation unit offline
903 Forced datapoint
There is manual intervention on a data
The system or the unit is working with the
forced data point.
Call Hoval customer service.
907 Expansion offline
There is no longer any communication
with this controller.
Not all functions are active.
Call Hoval customer service.
908 Fault universal I/O port
There is a signal fault on a controller
Not all functions are active.
Call Hoval customer service.
System control for TopVent
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