Turbo Dry Fan & Condenser - Fitted to models before Serial Number 50214.0000
Mounted on the right hand side of the dishwasher, consisting of a condenser and fan. The fan creates
a vacuum in the condensation chamber by sucking dry air (30% RH) from the side of the dishwasher
and moist air (100%RH) from inside the dishwasher tub. As the two airflows meet, condensation is
formed and falls to the bottom of the condenser. This is drained into the sump via a hose and finally
is pumped away by the drain pump. The remaining air mix (55% RH) is vented near the top of the
Models after Serial Number 50214.0000 use a Residual Heat Drying process.
Salt Refill Warning Indicator
Situated on the console, indicates when illuminated that the salt container requires refilling. When the
salt container is filled for the first time it requires 1.5 - 2.0 kg of salt to be added. The warning light
will stay illuminated for the first 5 cycles after filling with salt. On the 6th cycle, the light will be
The control module counts the activation of the regeneration valve and after the end of the 29th cycle,
the machine fills with 600cc of water and turns on the warning light. The salt container then needs to
be filled with 1.5 - 2 kg of salt. A further 600cc of water will then be displaced into the sump.
This along with the previous 600cc will close the pressure contacts. At the start of the next cycle, the
module detects the pressure switch closure and switches off the salt indicator light.
Note: -
If salt is added before the end of the 29th cycle, for example, at the 15th cycle, the indicator
will be illuminated at the end of the 29th cycle. To overcome this situation, 2 litres of water should be
poured into the dishwasher. This will close the pressure contacts and the control module will
extinguish the indicator light the next time the machine is used.
Drains to Sump
Moist Air 100% RH
Processed Air 55%RH
Vented to inside of
Outlet to Sump