Horne Engineering Ltd
Issue 7, November 2018
is within 1C of the commissioning temp) then checking again 12
– 15 weeks after commissioning will help
to build up a history. The results should be recorded on the attached sheet. Any requirement to reset the
mixed water temperature should be noted. If no such adjustments are required, then the next in-service
tests can be scheduled for 24
– 28 weeks after commissioning. If small adjustments (1 to 2 K) are required
then check the strainers for cleanliness, make sure the isolating valves are fully open and verify the check
valves are operating correctly (see Maintenance Section). The next in-service test should be conducted 18
- 21 weeks after commissioning. If larger adjustments are required (>2K), then service work is required
and the in-service tests should be repeated 18
– 21 weeks after commissioning. Note that the pressure
and temperatures of the supplies must be identical to those during commissioning for the in-service tests
to be meaningful.