When AVC is active, the SR6110AT receiver will use the AUX 1 and AUX 2
channels for gain control. AUX 1 and AUX 2 should be allocated for AVC when
AVC is active. This is done automatically when the AVC menu is selected in
your transmitter, but if you are not using the AVC menu, AUX1 or AUX2 should
not be used for other mixes or to control other applications (servos, etc.)
The AUX 1 and AUX 2 ports can be used in AVC mode to power a personal
transponder, lights, drive servos, or operate auxiliary devices. However, AUX 1
will command steering gain, and AUX 2 will command throttle gain regardless
of what is plugged into the AUX 1 or AUX 2 ports. AUX 1 and AUX 2 are not
independent when AVC is active. For an independent channel, use AUX 3 or 4.
Using the SR6110AT receiver without the AVC menu on your transmitter
or using AUX 1 or AUX 2 to command auxiliary functions may result in poor
AVC performance.
• If 5.5ms frame rate is selected in the transmitter, only two channels,
Steering and Throttle, are operational. The Aux channels can be used to
power a personal transponder or lights.
• If a frame rate other than 5.5ms is selected, the Aux channels will
operate as extra servo channels.
A value from 0 to 100 is used for three settings that affect tuning; steering
gain, throttle gain, and priority. These values confi gure the receiver to your
vehicle so you can tune it for optimal performance based on your driving style.
It is normal for gain and priority tuning results to vary.
A gain value of 0 will result in zero electronic corrections, and a gain of 100 will
result in large corrections in an effort to hold a straight line.
• Steering gain tells the receiver how strongly to assist steering when the
vehicle begins to spin out of control.
• Throttle gain manages how much the receiver can ease off the throttle
when the vehicle begins to spin out of control.
The default gain values in Spektrum transmitter AVC menus are set at 50. We
recommend adjusting gain values 5 points at a time. Fine tune the settings
with smaller increments as desired performance is achieved.
Priority tells the receiver how much you want to be able to override the
electronic stability with your steering commands. A low priority means AVC will
make steering corrections when you turn the wheel all the way. A high priority
will reduce AVC the more you turn the wheel.
The default priority value in Spektrum transmitter AVC menus is 100. This
means when you turn the steering wheel to the limit, the gain is reduced to
zero. This value will work well for a majority of drivers.