Beginner Mode
(Switch Position 0)
Intermediate Mode
(Switch Position 1
Experienced Mode
(Switch Position 2)
Technology Flight Modes
Beginner Mode
(with automatic self-leveling)
• Below 20 ft (10m), pitch (nose up and down)
and roll (wing tips up and down) angles are
limited to help you keep the aircraft airborne.
Release both sticks for self-leveling.
• Above approx. 20 feet (10m), pitch and roll
control are increased slightly.
• At any time release both sticks to activate
Panic Recovery mode for self-leveling.
Intermediate Mode:
• Same as beginner mode, with greater pitch
and roll angle limits/control above approx. 20
feet (10m). Above 20 feet (10m) self-leveling
is inactive.
• Below 20 feet, self-leveling is active when
you release both sticks.
Experienced Mode:
• Unlimited Flight Envelope. No pitch or roll
angle/control limits.
• At any time switch to beginner mode and
release the control sticks for self-leveling.
Panic Recovery:
If you feel you have lost control of the aircraft,
switch to beginner mode and release the control
sticks. The SAFE technology will automatically
return the aircraft to stable fl ight (wings level
with a slight climb when the throttle is at 100%/
full power).
Always fl y at a safe altitude, as Panic Recovery
may cause the aircraft to lose some altitude
when leveling the wings.
When the aircraft regains stable fl ight, return to
the control sticks and resume fl ying. The aircraft
will return to its current fi ght mode.
If the aircraft is upside down when the
sticks are released, suffi cient altitude is required
for the aircraft to return to straight and level
upright fl ight.