7. Storage and Re-Use
When finished operating the stack, place it back in the air tight container and keep it in
an enclosed area for storage to keep the stack from getting too dry. The stack should be
stored at room temperature.
If the stack is un-used for a long period of time (more than 4 weeks) and the
performance goes down 50% to the rated power at 7.8V after 30 minutes operation we
recommend do the following steps.
Note: Generally, injecting water into the stack it is not recommended. Only if the
performance of the stack decreases
is it recommended to inject water into the stack
to activate the stack before operation.
Rejuvenate by injecting water into the stack:
Connect a short section of hosing to the hydrogen input port on the stack.
Fill a syringe with water (distilled or purified). Make sure there is no air in the
syringe. And then connect it to the hose attached to the stack.
Inject distilled or purified water into the stack until you see water coming out of
another port (see picture A below for reference). Keep the water inside the stack
for about 2 minutes. Now disconnect the syringe with the tube, and leave the
water in the stack.
Purge the water out of the stack as much as much before use, say, it is not
coming out of the stack output. Connect a tube to the hydrogen output port. Set
the H2 supply to 0.45-0.55Bar and connect it to the hydrogen input port of the
stack without a load attached, and purge the stack as much as possible (i.e.
letting hydrogen flow through the stack to remove water and other contaminants).
Please see picture B below for reference. Using a fuel cell stack with too much
water inside can irreparably damage it!
Make sure the hydrogen supply pressure is 0.45-0.55Bar.
Make sure you have purged the water out of the stack as much as possible before use.
Using the fuel cell stack with too much water inside can irreparably damage it!