Under most circumstances, the crankcase will not
need to be flushed. However, if flushing becomes neces-
sary, use a nonflammable solvent. Lubricate the motor
annually in accordance with the instructions on the
Table 1. Compressor Oil Requirements
Drain the tank by opening the drain cock. This is
located in the middle of the tank at one end on the 30
gallon and larger units and at the bottom of the 20 gal-
lon tanks. Allow a few seconds to purge the tank. Units
having an automatic drain require only a visual check of
the bowl to confirm performance. The drain can be
operated manually by pushing the red button on it. The
frequency of draining depends upon climatic conditions,
however weekly draining is the minimum requirement.
In humid climates, daily draining may be necessary. If
this is the case, consider adding the AK3485 automatic
drain kit.
The filters used on the 1/4 to 2 HP compressors are
specially selected for use on Honeywell air compressors.
To check the filter, remove it from the adaptor. Hold a
flashlight tight against the intake openings. The light
should be visible from the inside of the filter. In a brightly
lit area, shield some of the ambient light from the filter.
Replace the filter if the light is not visible.
The 3 HP and larger units use the Quincy Air Maze
filter silencer which can be checked in the same manner.
It is washable and can be cleaned in a nonflammable
solvent or warm soapy water.
The 1/4 to 2 HP compressors manufactured after
September 1974 have one-piece replaceable filters.
These should be visually checked for foreign material
build-up. A dirty filter causes excessive oil consumption
and should be replaced.
The condition of the filter element may be checked
by noting the line pressure after the filter if a gauge is
installed at this point. Subtract this pressure from the
tank pressure while the system is operating. The differ-
ence should not exceed 15 psi (105 kPa). When changing
the filter, refer to PP902A and I3 Service Data, Form
The filter separator drain on the refrigeration unit of
WP250 Compressors should be periodically checked. The
cinder bronze element is washable.
To change the filter in 3 to 20 HP units, refer to
Figure 1. Shut off air to the filter and bleed down the
housing by manually operating the drain trap, Remove
the wing nut and clamp ring from the housing. Then
remove the housing and automatic drain, Remove the
knurled nut at the bottom of the filter and replace the
filter. Reassemble, making certain that the “0” ring
seal on the bottom of the cover has not been disturbed.
Turn on the air slowly and check for leaks.
Safety relief valves are factory set to approximately
15 psi (105 kPa) higher than the rated pressure of the
compressor. Check each safety relief valve by pulling on
the ring to unseat it. Malfunctioning valves should be
replaced or repaired immediately. Safety relief valves are
located next to the pressure switch or on the tank.
Fig. 1.
Summary of Contents for WP230A-M
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