Property/Value Field Descriptions
NFN Config Tool Reference Information
NFN Gateway Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 52306:Rev: D 06/01/07
4.2.4 Time Zone Configuration Fields
Figure 4.4 NFN Config Tool Time Settings Field Descriptions
GMT Reference (Greenwich Mean Time)
GMT Minute Offset - Is used to synchronize the time of day between the gateway and SNTP Server
). If the gateway is located in the US Central Time zone and the
server is too then type in -360. The US Central Time is minus 6 hours from GMT, therefore your
calculation would be -6 (hours) x 60 (minutes) = -360 minutes.
DST Reference
Observe DST - If set to True the gateway will use the time of day set in Time Zone Reference
Time Zone Reference - Is used to set the time zone standard. The choices are:
• US Standard - When selected the DST Begin and DST End settings are automatically
populated with the appropriate settings.
• EU Standard - When selected the DST Begin and DST End settings are automatically
populated with the appropriate settings.
• Custom - If selected requires that DST Begin and DST End settings be made.
DST Begin/DST End
To make the settings for the 1st Sunday of March make the following settings in these fields:
Series Reference - Select 1st from the list of choices.
Day of Week - Select Sunday from the list of choices.
Month - Select March from the list of choices.
Hour - Is used set the hour of the day to begin/end DST time change.
Hour Reference - Is used set whether the Hour setting is according to Local Time or GMT.
These fields only need to be modified if Custom has been selected in the Time Zone
Reference field.