NFN Config Tool Reference Information
Property/Value Field Descriptions
NFN Gateway Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 52306:Rev: D 06/01/07
Gateway Label - The name entered will only display on the NFN Network.
Mode - Is used to set gateway’s mode. These are the choices:
• SUP - (Supervising Station Mode) In this mode the ONYXWorks
system supports up to 99
gateways and multiple Workstations.
• FCC - (Fire Command Center) In this mode there is always one Workstation and one NFN
• DCC - (Display and Command Center) This mode is an extension of FCC mode.
NCM Address - Is used to set the node address of the NFN Gateway.
Trouble Reminder - If set to True a trouble reminder message is issued across the network
every 24 hours at 11:00 AM; if there is an active trouble on that network.
Audio - Is used to enable the audio option if installed.
Channel A and Channel B Threshold - Are set according to the determined amount of network
noise that is present in the network. High is used when the most noise is present and filter that
noise accordingly.
Style 7 - If set to True Style 7 is used, if set to False Style 4 is used.
COMM Port - Is used to specify which port the NFN Gateway uses to communicate with
4.2.2 IP Configuration Fields
Figure 4.2 NFN Config Tool IP Configuration Property/Value Field Descriptions
IP Address - Is used to set the IP address of the NFN Gateway on your IP network.
Subnet Mask - Is used to set the Subnet of your IP network.
Gateway - Is used to set the IP address of the default gateway.
4.2.3 SNTP Configuration Fields
Figure 4.3 NFN Config Tool SNTP Configuration Property/Value Field Description
SNPT Server Address - (Simple Network Time Protocol) Is used set the address of the SNPT
server. The NFN Gateway retrieves the SNTP server’s GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Refer to