NFN Gateway Configuration
NFN Gateway Configuration Procedure
NFN Gateway Installation & Operation Manual - P/N: 52306:Rev: D 06/01/07
3.4.3 Time Settings
The time settings consists of setting the SNTP server address which dictates GMT (Greenwich
Mean Time) for your network and then setting up the Time Zone Configuration fields to
synchronize the gateway to GMT of the SNTP Server.
SNTP Configuration
Step 1. Select the highest level entry in the Nodes list column hierarchy.
Figure 3.9 Gateway SNTP and Time Zone Configuration
Step 2. Click on the SNTP Configuration entry in the Nodes column.
Figure 3.10 Gateway Time Settings
Step 3. Click in the Value field adjacent to SNTP Server Address Property and then type in the
address of the server.
Step 4. Press the keyboard enter key.
Time Zone Configuration
Step 5. Click on the Time Zone Configuration entry in the Nodes column.
Figure 3.11 Gateway Time Settings
Step 6. Click in the Value field adjacent to GMT Minute Offset Property, type in the entry, and
then press the keyboard enter key.
The GMT Minute Offset is to used synchronize the time of day between the gateway and
SNPT Server.
• Use this formula to determine the setting: the US Central Time is minus 6 hours
from GMT, therefore your calculation would be -6 (hours) x 60 (minutes) = -360
Step 7. Click in the Value field adjacent to Observe DST and then select True if you want the
gateway to automatically increment or decrement time of day according to Time Zone
Reference setting.