Limitless™ WPMM Series
Issue 2
Honeywell Sensing and Control
Figure 17.
Straight and Tilt/Swivel antennas
Adhesive mount:
The benefit of the remote adhesive mount antenna is mounting flexibility to a number of surfaces
and in various orientations. Remember, the surface that the antenna is being mounted to will affect the radiation
pattern so it is suggested that masking tape be used to temporarily attach the antenna. Perform fade-margin testing,
as described in Section 6.4 before permanently mounting.
Permanent mounting:
Pre-clean the surface where the antenna is to be mounted with an alcohol wipe. Peel paper
protection from adhesive strip and mount to the cleaned surface.
Figure 18. Adhesive Mount
Antenna – Step 1. Pre-clean the
Figure 19. Adhesive Mount Antenna
– Step 2. Peel Protection from
Adhesive Strip
Figure 20. Adhesive Mount
Antenna – Step 3. Mount the