A thyristor unit is semiconductor device which acts as a switch formed by two thyristors in ant parallel.
To switch on the alternating current the input signal will be on and the thyristor will switch off at first
Zero Crossing voltage with no input signal.
The benefits of thyristor units compared with elettromechanical contactors are numerouses: no moving
parts, no maintenance and capacity to switch very fast. Thyristors are the only solution to control
transformers and special loads that change resistance with temperature and with age.
Advantages compared with analog thyristor unit
Communication RS485 is a standard feature of HCL this allows the use of many information like:
current, power, load state and all the parameters for diagnostic and configuration. Ulterior advantages
of the digital system vs the analogical is the flexibility and the possibility of implement special
characteristics without change the hardware. Several strategies can be implemented and selected
through the configuration parameters.
With software configuration, you can have access to the configuration parameters.
To connect the Thyristor unit to the computer use the USB\TTL converter.