Feed-back type
The Feed-back type has already configured in line with customer requirements that are defined in the
Order Code. The Order Code is written on the identification label.
However, if you wish to change the Feed-back type you can use the software configurator or the Control
this procedure must be performed only by qualified persons.
The Feed-back type is defined by the parameter
If the configurable digital input has set like Feed-Back Selection ,it's possible to change the select Feed-
Back with the Voltage Feed-Back (V) simply activating the input.
The feed-back defines the Control Mode. It’s possible to have:
= Voltage feed-back.
The input signal is proportional to the output voltage. This means that input signal becomes a
voltage demand. This control mode compensates the voltage fluctuation of the incoming line supply.
= Power feed-back.
The input signal is proportional to the power output. This means that input signal becomes a power
demand. The power remains constant also if voltage and load impedance change. This control mode
is used with silicon carbide elements that change its resistive value with temperature and with age.
In addition it compensates the voltage fluctuation of the incoming line supply.
= Current feed-back.
The input signal is proportional to the current output. This means that input signal becomes a
current demand. This control mode maintain the current also if the load impedance changes.
= Square Voltage feed-back.
The input signal is proportional to the output square voltage. This means that input signal becomes
a power demand. The power remains constant if the load impedance doesn't change.
=No Feedback Open Loop. The input is proportional to the firing angle (