2-6-3. Schedule
To create or maintain a Schedule, select [Setting] in the
top menu and click [Schedule] in the menu to the left.
The system supports up to a maximum of 16
Schedules and once you have reached the maximum,
the [Add New Schedule] button will turn grey.
2-6-3-1. Adding New Schedule
Click [Add New Schedule] when you wish to add a new
Schedule to the system. The system will bring up the
Setting – Schedule – New Schedule window for you to
edit relevant details. For more information on Schedule
maintenance, refer to section 2-6-3-2 below on
“Maintaining Schedules”.
Example of a schedule might be activating an ON/OFF
plugin device to turn ON a table lamp on a daily basis
between 7pm and 11pm whilst you are away from your
2-6-3-2. Maintaining Schedules
To maintain an existing Schedule, simply click on the
icon of the desired Schedule to access the Schedule
maintenance screen.
The following section will cover relevant Event
maintenance information:
Name: Schedule Name; you may create a name for the
selected Schedule for easy identification.
Number: Denotes the number of Schedules currently
available on the system; you can have up to a
maximum of 16 Events.
Specify trigger mode (Fixed Time and Weekly).
1. Setting a Schedule to be triggered at Fixed Time:
1-1. Set Action Time: Specify the time for the
Schedule to be triggered.
1-2. Specify the security mode for the trigger to
take effect. By default, the trigger will be
applied to all security modes.
2. Setting a Schedule to be triggered Weekly:
1-1. Set Action Time: Specify the time for the
weekly trigger.
1-2. Specify the security mode for the trigger to
take effect. By default, the trigger will be
applied to all security modes.
Specify the action to be taken when the trigger has
been set off.
You can configure the system to take one of the
following two actions:
1. Control Device: the system will take
whatever action(s) you have configured for
Control Device, including Sound. You can
configure up to 16 actions.
2. Programmes: the system will execute the
selected Programme.