90DM4 User Manual
W orld W ide W eb
T h e following Honeywell W eb sites m ay b e of interest to Ind ustry
S olution c ustom ers:
C ontac t us b y telep h one at th e num b ers listed b elow:
Sales I
nform ations
C ontac t us at sales@ v ulc aininc .c om
Honeywell Organization
W W W Address (URL)
Honeywell A nalytic s
h ttp ://www.h oneywellanalytic s.c om
C orp orate
h ttp ://www.h oneywell.c om
h ttp ://c ontent.h oneywell.c om /g lob al/
Phone Num ber
United S tates
and C anad a
Honeywell A nalytic s
1-8 00-56 3 -296 7
1-450-6 19-2450
F ax : 1-8 8 8 -96 7-993 8
A sia P ac ific
Honeywell A sia P ac ific Inc .
Hong K ong
(8 52) 23 3 1 913 3
E urop e
Honeywell P ac e
B russels, B elg ium
[3 2-2]728 -2711
L atin A m eric a
Honeywell International Inc .
S unrise, F lorid a, U.S .A .
(954) 8 45-26 00