Home and Office Security Safes
Installing Your Wall Safe
STEP 1- Wall Cutout
1. Determine the approximate location of the stud for the right hand side of your
Wall Safe (hinge side). Drill or cut a large enough pilot hole to determine
where the inside edge of this stud is located.
2. Using a building square, draw a vertical pencil line 21 1/8 inches long along
the inside edge of the stud. This will locate the right hand (hinged) side of
the safe.
3. From the top of your scribed line, measure 14 inches to the left and make a
pencil mark. Repeat this measurement at the bottom of the vertical line. With
the building square, draw a vertical line between the pencil marks locating the
left side of the safe.
4. With the square, draw a horizontal line at the top of the 21 1/8 inch
measurement joining the two vertical lines. Repeat this action at the bottom.
You should now have a 14 inch x 21 1/8 inch rectangle scribed on the wall
between studs.
5. Using a jig saw or equivalent tool and starting at the pilot hole, cut along the
pencil lines and remove the wall section.
Use, Care and Maintenance
Safe Care and Maintenance
When properly maintained, your safe will continue to operate and accurately
read the authorized Passcode for many years. In order to ensure optimum
performance of your safe, please follow these simple precautions:
Replace Batteries
– For best results and performance, we recommend that the
batteries be replaced at least once a year or sooner depending on amount of
Clean Hands
- Never attempt to operate the digital keypad if your hands have
excessive dirt, debris or liquids on them.
Clean Safe
– To clean the surface of your safe, it is recommended that you
use a mild cleaner (i.e., window cleaner) to avoid scratching or discoloring the
surface. Always wipe dry and NEVER use abrasive cleansers on the safe or
digital keypad.
For future reference, store this Operation and Installation Guide in a secure area
away from the safe. DO NOT DISCARD!
With a flashlight, look through the pilot hole and make sure there are
no electrical wires or plumbing in the cutout area before you start