Total distance ridden.
When “------” is displayed, go to your dealer for service.
Tripmeter A/B
Distance ridden since the tripmeter was reset.
When “----.-” is displayed, go to your dealer for service.
To reset the tripmeter:
Current fuel mileage
The current fuel mileage shows the current fuel mileage you are getting.
When your speed is less than 3 mph (5 km/h): “---.-” is displayed.
When “---.-” is displayed except for the above-mentioned cases, go to your dealer for service.
Average fuel mileage A/B
Shows each average fuel mileage in conjunction with each tripmeter.
When each tripmeter is reset, each average fuel mileage will also reset.
To reset the tripmeter:
When each tripmeter is reset: “---.-” is displayed.
When “---.-” is displayed except for the above-mentioned cases, go to your dealer for service.
Operation Guide