4. Recoil start type:
Pull the recoil starter grip slowly
until you feel resistance, then pull
Return the starter grip gently.
Electric start type:
Turn the ignition switch key to the
START position and hold it there
until the engine starts.
W hen the engine starts, release the
key, allowing it to return to the ON
If the engine fails to start within 5
seconds, release the key and wait
at least 10 seconds before
operating the starter again.
Using the electric starter f o r more
than 5 seconds a t a time will
overheat the starter m otor and can
dam age it.
Turning the ignition switch key to
the START position while the
engine is running can dam age the
starter m otor and flyw heel.
Also, as the engine warms up, the
throttle grip can be turned to the
SLOW position without stalling.
5. Before getting under way, allow
the engine to warm up sufficiently
to ensure good performance.
Above 41°F (5°C), warm up the
engine for 2 or 3 minutes.
Below 41°F (5°C), warm up the
engine for at least 10 minutes at
2,000 rpm.
During the warm-up period, check
the oil pressure indicator (p. 2 7 ) ,
overheat indicator (p. 28 ) and
cooling system indicator (p. 2 8 ) .
If the indicators show any
abnormal condition, immediately
stop the engine and determine the
cause o f the problem. Refer to
from p. 101.