HOMA Pump Technology
6.6 System
In the system indications menu the operation indications are displayed. The menu has
the following structure:
6.6.1 Pump hour indication
In the menu point “Operating hours”, the operating hours of the respective pump is displayed. The
operating hours are counted when the controller switches on the pump. The indication is effected in
hours (h) and minutes (min). Example for pump1:
Operating hours
P1:004335h 45min
6.6.2 Pump cycle counter
In this menu point the number of On/Off cycles for each pump is displayed. Each time the pump is
switched on, the counter is increased by one. Example for pump1:
Switching cycles
P1: 0.000.950
6.6.3 Deleting of hour meter / and cycle counter data
By pressing the
key in the respective menu, the pump counters are deleted. For security reasons,
after pressing
the word "yes" must be entered and confirmed. When "No" is selected, then the
counters are not deleted.
6.6.4 Supply and rechargeable battery voltage
In this menu, the rechargeable (ACC) and the internal control voltage (PW) are displayed. In the
second line, a control value (EC:) followed by the word "POWER:" indicates whether the controller is
supplied by the mains (plug symbol) or by the rechargeable battery (battery symbol). Entering values
in this menu is not possible.
6.6.5 Fault
In this menu, the last 20 faults of the controller including date and the current time of when the fault(s)
has (have) occurred can be traced. The fault memory works on a cyclic basis, that is, the oldest fault is
overwritten after the 20th fault. The indication of the fault is effected analogously to the standard
indication (see below). Individual faults can be browsed to a certain point of time by means of the
key. The
-key is used to browse backwards in the fault events.
To leave the menu, press the
Only in case of controllers with real-time clock, without real-time clock this menu does not appear.