HOMA Pump Technology
0M = Manual OFF
IM = Manual ON
0A = Automatic operation mode OFF
IA = Automatic operation mode ON
It is to be observed:
In case the pump is switched to the manual ON operation mode, this pump will only start if there is no
fault present. If in a two pump operation mode, one pump is switched to OFF, the control continues to
function as a single pump control, if the other pump is in the AUTOMATIC operation mode.
5.3.2 Change of operation mode - additional keys
By means of an additional key for each pump, next to the main control keys, each pump can be
changed to the following operation modes: AUTOMATIC, manual ON and manual OFF. The change is
effected by pressing the
-key. The current state of operation is then indicated in the main menu.
0M = Manual OFF
IM = Manual ON
0A = Automatic operation OFF
IA = Automatic operation ON
It is to be observed:
In case the pump is switched to the manual ON operation mode, this pump will only start if there is no
fault present. If in a two pump operation mode, one pump is switched to OFF, the control continues to
function as a single pump control, if the other pump is in the AUTOMATIC operation mode.
5.3.3 Change of operation mode by means of external switches
By means of toggle switches fixed to the housing cover, the operation mode of the pump can be
switched between operation modes: AUTOMATIC, manual ON and manual OFF.
Switching is effected electromechanically independent of the control and therefore it is also effective in
case of control unit drop-out.
However, the function of the thermo contacts is guaranteed. It means that in case of opened thermo
contacts (over-temperature ) manual operation is not possible.
It is to be observed:
In case the pump is switched to the manual ON operation mode, this pump will only start if there is no
fault present. If in a two pump operation mode, one pump is switched to OFF, the control continues to
function as a single pump control, if the other pump is in the AUTOMATIC operation mode.
System menus and settings
Readouts of adjustment values of the control as well as change of operation parameters is effected in
5 submenus: