Holtkamp Electronics DUO 8600XL techn. stand 05.2016 4033_05.2016 V01.2021
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11 Operating types
By DUO you can select two operating types in the configuration
1. Timer operating:
- for all time-depending processes
2. Revaluation operating:
- for revaluing of chip cards by coins or by revaluation chip
card type 73
- in this operating mode the DUO is exclusively as revaluati-
on device to use
- an unintentional buy of time is not possible
The revaluation operating mode can be configured in three
different types:
Revaluation by inserting of coins:
- In time/price menu the point "revaluation-step card” must be set
to “0”
- Revaluation by revaluation-card is not possible!
- In configuration menu the point “EMP Revaluation” on
- Revaluation by inserting of coins is possible!
Revaluation, manual, by revaluation chip card type 73:
- In the time/ price menu the point “revaluation-step card”
must be set on a value more than “0”
- Revaluation by revaluation card is possible!
- In the configuration menu the point “EMP Revaluation” must
be set on “no”
- Revaluation by inserting of coins is NOT possible
Revaluation by both possibilities
- In the time/price menu the point “revaluation-step card” must
be set on a value more than “0”
- Revaluation by revaluation card is possible
- In the configuration menu the point “EMP Revaluation” must
be set on “yes”
- Revaluation by coins is possible!
If the DUO is in revaluation operating in the no-loading opera
tion, appears on the display “Revaluation”. If a chip card is put
in, this can be revaluated by insert of coins. If a chip card is to
be revaluated by hand, first revaluation mode is to be started by
putting in a revaluation card type 73. The revaluation process
functions in the same way as the timer operation. The program
ming and statistic menus are adapted on this operating mode.
Redundant points are omitted and needed points are added.
12 General at programming
The individual program positions can be accessed in quick pass
(auto repeat function), forward and backward. As following needs
to be inserted the wished program card. If you wish to pass the
menu quicker, you need to keep pushing the ok button. If the ok
button is kept pushed the menu is flowing forward. Beside this
you can also access the menu backward (short push on the ok
button, min. 300 ms / max. 850 ms). If you have pushed shortly
the ok button, the auto repeat menu is accessed backwards. By
short pushing of the ok button you can access the menu again
12.1 Explanation of the program positions
In programming mode of the DUO there are different menus:
time/price menu, clock menu, configuration menu, summer/win
ter menu and bus configuration menu.
For the UV-Control menu an additional instruction is required!
Please notice that some of the program positions must
be activated, to indicate the menu point. The menu
points are recognisable by the grey back
To program the time/price menu there are 2 possibilities:
- by opening the casing and switching on the DIP switch
no. 1 (PROG), or
- by pushing in the key card type 53.
In this case the DIP switch no.3 (T063FREI) needs to be swit
ched on, or else the card is blocked. (The switch may remain
switched on also after ending the programming, you do not have
to reopen the casing for later programming).
The programming has to be done by 3 buttons on the front foil.
By RESET- and PLUS- button will be changed the values, by Ok
button will be stepped on to the next menu point.