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Item 57056
Operating instructions
read the EntirE iMpOrtant SaFEty inFOrMatiOn section at the beginning of this
manual including all text under subheadings therein before set up or use of this product.
tO prEVEnt SEriOuS inJury:
Do not adjust or tamper with any control or component in a way not specifically explained within
this manual. improper adjustment can result in tool failure or other serious hazards.
inspect Fluid Extractor before use, looking for damaged, loose, and missing parts.
if any problems are found, do not use unit until repaired.
Follow all guidelines regarding materials being extracted, including MSDS instructions and Epa regulations.
For additional information regarding the parts listed in the following pages,
refer to
Parts List and Diagram
on page 14.
General Operating instructions
1. Before using the Fluid Extractor on a vehicle,
park the vehicle on a flat, level surface.
2. Shut down the vehicle and chock its tires.
3. Before beginning fluid extraction, disconnect
the negative battery cable to prevent
accidental starting of the vehicle’s engine.
Engine Oil or transmission Fluid Extraction
1. When removing engine oil, run the engine
for at least 5 minutes to warm the oil.
2. Remove the oil dipstick from the engine, or
remove the transmission fluid dipstick or fill plug.
3. Insert the end of the appropriate Extracting Tube
without the adapter into the dipstick opening of the
engine until it reaches the bottom of the oil pan or
into the dipstick fill hole of the transmission until
it reaches the bottom of the transmission pan.
Do not bend the Extracting Tube
when inserting. Narrower dipstick tubes may
prevent insertion of the Extracting Tubes.
4. Insert the adapter on the other end of the Extracting
Tube into the Fluid Coupler on top of the Reservoir
Tank. Insert the adapter fully to avoid leaking.
5. With the Air Control Valve in the closed
position, attach the air supply to the Air Inlet.
6. Turn on the air supply and open the Air
Control Valve. It will take several seconds for
vacuum to build in the Reservoir Tank before
oil or transmission fluid begins to flow.
7. As the fluid starts to flow, continue until all fluid
has been extracted. When finished, close the Air
Control Valve, detach the air supply and remove
the Extracting Tube from the dipstick opening.
8. If the tool requires more force to accomplish
the task, verify that the tool receives sufficient,
unobstructed airflow (CFM) and increase the
pressure (PSI) output of the regulator up to the
maximum air pressure rating of this tool.
cautiOn! tO prEVEnt inJury FrOM
tOOL Or accESSOry FaiLurE:
Do not exceed the tool’s maximum
air pressure rating.
9. Disconnect the Extracting Tube from the Fluid
Coupler and remove the Coupler from the Spout.
Pour the collected fluid into an appropriate
container and dispose of in accordance with
all applicable local, state and federal laws.
Do not store fluid in the Reservoir Tank.
10. Clean external surfaces of the tool with a
clean, dry cloth. Clean the Reservoir Tank with
compatible solvent that will not damage it to
remove accumulated debris. Dispose of solvent
properly and allow Reservoir Tank to air dry
completely, then store in a safe, dry, clean location
out of reach of children. Do not allow solvent to
sit in Reservoir Tank for an extended period.