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Series 4 Models: “Wall” Type Top Class R32 Refrigerant AC
Troubleshooting and repair:
Is it plugged well?
6.5.2 E0 / F4 (EEPROM parameter error)
Description: Indoor or outdoor PCB main chip does not receive feedback from EEPROM chip.
Recommended parts to prepare:
• Indoor PCB
• Outdoor PCB
The location of the EEPROM chip on the indoor and outdoor PCB is shown in the following two images.
Note: These images are for reference only.
Shut off the power supply and
turn it on 2 minutes later.
Is it
still displaying the
error code?
The unit is operating normally.
Correct the connection.
Replace the indoor/outdoor
main PCB.
If the EEPROM chip is welded on main
PCB, replace the main PCB directly.
Otherwise, check if the EEPROM chip
is plugged in main PCB well.