systeM upgrade #3
This system adds a Hogtunes 4-channel amp; 2 of its channels would power the
front speakers (and tweeter pod if present) and the other 2 channels would power
rear speakers or fairing lower woofers. The original 2-channel amp would power
692.2/lids or lower speakers. You can literally build the system the way you want
based on the body work you have on your bike. This can be done at any time, all
bolt in, all plug and play! Hogtunes 2CHSP mounting plate is required to bolt the
REV 225-AA into the fairing.
Saddle bag lid
6”x9” speakers or 7”
fairing lower glove
box woofers
Use supplied blue
plug to send signal
from expansion port
of first amp to input of
second amp