Hofmann Megaplan Manual megaline SSENCE
SSENCE 400/600
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1.0 Installation
1.1 Hardware installation for 3D equipment
1.1.1 Working environment requirements of the equipment
Do not use the equipment in dusty places. Keep the working area and equipment clean.
Do not store or use the equipment in places clustered with chemical smoke.
Do not use the equipment in places with great vibration.
Avoid strong light interference from backside.
Ensure that there is enough space around the aligner to mount and dismount the clamps or to
remove a tire. (Distance to other machines around the aligner and the lift is 1 meter. Please keep
distances between lift and machine as shown in the following picture.
Use single 220V AC power. Please care for a good ground connection of all
parts of the aligner. In countries with known current electrical fluctuations
the use of a UPS (uninterruptible power supply) is recommended.
1.1.2 Distances and measurements
L= distance between camera and turntable 2.05m - 2.75m
L1 / L2 = middle of the two skits must be perpendicular to the middle of the camera bar.
L3 / L4 = Distance must be the same to ensure that the bar is parallel to the front of the lift.
Distance between columns (on a 4-post lift): 2,65m minimal.
Distance camera - rear targets: 8m maximum.
Height of the lift: 0 to 1,70m
Lift level: less than 5mm difference, diagonal