Hofmann Megaplan Manual megaline SSENCE
SSENCE 400/600
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After inspection, open the outer package of the equipment.
Take the column out of the wooden case; lay the column down that the camera bar can be mounted on the
slider (it is mounted on the backside of the column).
Unpack the camera bar, and fix it centered on the slider of the column. (4x M8)
Fix the steel wire in the camera bar. (Not necessary on the SSENCE 400) Mount the wire base on the slider,
fix it with the counter nut and connect it with the M6 screw.
Transport locking device
To avoid damage by counter weight during
transports it is blocked. Unscrew the
locking device.
Install the guide pulley on the top. (see
also next picture)
Take care that the wire is running in one line with motor pulley and support pulley. Install the column cap
and raise the column carefully.
Motor fixing (SSENCE 600)
Camera bar locking device (SSENCE400)
When setting up the bar observe the sliding counterweight. The weight is
very heavy.