HCA Series Installation Manual
Page 45 of 58
The releasing cadence patterns are:
1) Continuous
– The output will be on continuously.
2) Gentex Sync
– Select this option if using Gentex appliances and you want the strobes in
3) March Code
– This option will produce a pattern of 5 seconds on, 5 seconds off
4) Temporal Code
– This option will produce the ANSI 3.41 temporal coded pattern of 0.5
seconds on, 0.5 seconds off, 0.5 seconds on, 0.5 seconds off, 0.5 seconds on, 1.5 seconds
off, repeat. Zone and Output Definitions for Water Releasing Options
When you configure the HCA panel for single or double interlock water releasing, the zones and
notification appliance circuits (NACs) are configured as follows:
Zone 1 is configured as a supervisory zone for the
interlock option. You would normally use
this to monitor sprinkler piping pressure in single interlock applications.
Zone 1 is configured as an interlock switch alarm zone for the
interlock option. In order for
a release to occur both the double interlock zone (zone 1) and either the manual release zone or
both cross alarm zones must be active.
Zones 2 and 3 are configured for cross zone releasing. Zones 2 and 3 are intended to be populated
with automatic initiating devices such as smoke detectors. When the first zone of zones 2 and 3
becomes active, NAC 4 will activate indicating general alarm. The cross zoning of zones 2 and 3
requires that at least one detector from each zone must be in alarm in order for the cross zone
alarm to be active which will cause a water release for single interlock and may occur for double
interlock depending on the state of the interlock zone 1.
Zone 4 is a manual release zone. Manual releasing switches must be wired to zone 4 so that when
one or more release switches are activated, a water release for single interlock will occur and may
occur for double interlock depending on the state of the interlock zone 1.
Zone 5 of the HCA-8 is automatically configured as a normally-closed supervisory zone. This zone
is used with the releasing circuit disconnect switch. When the switch is activated it does two things;
it physically disconnects the releasing circuit, and it creates a supervisory condition on zone 5. See
section 5.4.4 of this manual for additional information and wiring instructions.
Zones 6 through 8 on the HCA-8 behave as non-releasing fire, alarm verification or supervisory
zones based on the programming options for these zones.
NAC 1 is dedicated for the water release solenoid(s). It will activate when the release requirements
for single or double interlock have all been met. NAC 1 will automatically shut down once activated
after the auto shutdown timer has expired or it will remain active until system reset depending on
the panel programming.
NAC 2 activates at the same time as output 1 for water releasing because there is no cross alarm
delay for water releasing. NAC 2 stays active until the panel is reset.
NAC 3 activates at the same time as NAC 1 to indicate a release has occurred. NAC 3 remains
active until the panel is reset.
NAC 4 activates when at least one of zone 2, 3 or 4 activate (or zone 1 for double interlock) to
indicate general alarm. NAC 4 may also operate in response to zones 6
– 8, depending on their