HCA Series Installation Manual
Page 42 of 58
5.4.2 Agent Release 2
Agent Release 2
option provides a second agent releasing option with the following special features:
Notification appliance circuit (NAC) 3 is automatically configured as resettable auxiliary power.
Relay 1 activates during the pre-discharge period (zone 2 and 3 in alarm).
Relay 2 activates at the end of the pre-discharge time (same as NAC 1).
All other inputs and outputs operate as they do when using Agent Release 1, specifically:
Zone 1 is configured as an abort zone. The abort function is non-latching. It must remain active
as long as it is desired to abort the releasing function. If the abort switch is deactivated before the
panel is reset, the remaining pre-discharge delay time will continue to count down to zero at which
time releasing will occur.
Zones 2 and 3 are configured for cross zone releasing. Zones 2 and 3 are intended to be populated
with automatic initiating devices such as smoke detectors. When the first zone of zones 2 and 3
becomes active, NAC 4 will activate indicating general alarm. When both zones 2 and 3 become
active, a pre-discharge delay period (default 30 seconds) occurs where zone 1 can abort the
releasing function. NAC 2 will activate at the beginning of the pre-discharge delay period to alert
personnel of the pending agent release. If abort zone 1 is not activated by onsite personnel within
the pre-discharge period, NAC 1 will activate and discharge for either the programmed shutdown
time or until system reset depending on the programming configuration. The cross zoning of zones
2 and 3 requires that at least one detector from each zone must be in alarm in order to activate the
agent releasing circuit, NAC 1.
Zone 4 is a manual release zone. Manual releasing switches must be wired to zone 4 so that when
one or more release switches are activated, agent releasing occurs immediately. As soon as zone
4 activates, NAC 4 activates indicating general alarm. There is no pre-discharge delay period for
manual release, so NAC 2 activates immediately along with NAC 1 which will release the
extinguishing agent. An active manual release will override any pre-discharge delay that might be
occurring with the cross alarms and activate the agent release immediately.
Zone 5 of the HCA-8 is automatically configured as a normally-closed supervisory zone. This zone
is used with the releasing circuit disconnect switch. When the switch is activated it does two things;
it physically disconnects the releasing circuit, and it creates a supervisory condition on zone 5. See
section 5.4.4 of this manual for additional information and wiring instructions.
Zones 6 through 8 on the HCA-8 behave as non-releasing fire, alarm verification or supervisory
zones based on the programming options for these zones.
NAC 1 is dedicated for the agent release function. It will activate (discharge) after the pre-discharge
delay has expired for cross zones 2 and 3, or immediately after the manual release zone 4 is
activated. To prevent the pre-discharge period from expiring and activating NAC 1 releasing the
extinguishing agent, the abort zone 1 must become active within the pre-discharge delay period.
NAC 1 will automatically shut down once activated after the auto shutdown timer has expired or it
will remain active until system reset depending on the panel programming.
NAC 2 activates during the pre-discharge period to indicate the pending release. It remains active
after the agent releasing circuit NAC 1 activates and until the panel is reset. NAC 2 will also be
activated in the event of a manual release.
NAC 4 activates when at least one of zone 2, 3 or 4 is activated to indicate general alarm. NAC 4
may also operate in response to zones 6
– 8 of the HCA-8, depending on their programming.
NAC 3 may be used to provide resettable power for devices such as 4-wire smoke detectors and other
equipment that requires power to be reset after activation.