Aerobatic Flight
It is recommended in the directions that
the Super Cub controls be set for softer
responses and at the outer holes of the
control surfaces. However, once you get
used to the fl ight characteristics and
want to perform more aerobatic maneu-
vers (with ACT
off) you can change the
amount of throw that is permitted by
moving the clevises to the inner holes
of the control horns. After making any
adjustments, always turn on the trans-
mitter, center the transmitter trim levers,
and make sure the control surfaces are
even. Make the proper adjustments to
make the surfaces even, if they are not
(see Step 8).
Note: By making these changes, the
controls will be much more responsive.
However, this makes the airplane much
less forgiving and it will be easier to
stall. Remember, crash damage is not
covered under the warranty.
Step 19
Repairing Minor Damage
If you happen to crash, and part of the
tail or wing breaks, it can be repaired
by using packing tape to cover the
missing pieces. Also, any type of CA
will help repair the foam fuselage and
wing. However, if damage is severe, or
if the wing and/or tail are bent, replace
the damaged parts prior to fl ying again.
There is a complete list of replacement
parts in the back of this manual.
Replace wing immediately