Table of Contents
Parts List...............................................................................................................3
Additional Item Description................................................................................4
Additional Item List.............................................................................................4
Tools or Supplies Needed.....................................................................................5
Fin/Rudder Construction....................................................................................5
Stabilizer / Elevator Construction ........................................................................7
Wing Assembly ....................................................................................................8
Installing the Hinges ............................................................................................9
Attaching the Control Horns ..............................................................................10
Fuselage Construction........................................................................................10
Final Assembly...................................................................................................16
Getting Ready for Flying ...................................................................................17
Flying .................................................................................................................17
Congratulations on your purchase of the HOBBICO STURDY BIRDY, THE FIRST REAL SUPER TRAINER You
now own the BEST FLYING durable trainer available By following these instructions as you assemble the model you
will have a great flying plane that will not only teach you how to fly but it will stick with you while you learn, no matter
how long it may take!
The first thing you should do after reading this paragraph is check the parts in this kit against the parts list on the next
page to make sure everything is here
We strongly recommend that you join AMA, The Academy of Model Aeronautics Being an AMA member entitles you
to liability insurance, puts you in touch with your local flying club and includes a subscription to MODEL AVIATION
magazine which has a monthly listing of all "goings on" in model aviation
The insurance is the most important advantage of the AMA membership because if your model hits someone or
something you are liable for any damage it causes.
The address for the AMA is.
Academy of Model Aeronautics
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
(800) 435-9262
We also recommend that you join your local flying club There you will find people who can help you learn to fly and
teach you the safe ways of handling your aircraft.