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the motor rated current|1 or below, and the starting process is completed.
When the motor load is lighter or the set current limit value is large, it is normal that the maximum current at starting may
not reach the set current limit value.
Current limiting starting mode is generally used in occasions that have strict requirements on starting current.
01 Voltage ramp starting mode:
When the setting item F9 is 1, set the starting mode to this mode.
Fig. 5.4.2 shows the output voltage waveform of voltage ramp start. When the motor starts, the output voltage of the soft
starter rises rapidly to the initial voltage value within the range of the motor current not exceeding 400% of the rated value,
and then the output voltage gradually rises according to the set starting parameters. The rise continues to accelerate
steadily. When the voltage reaches the rated voltage Ue, the motor reaches the rated speed and the starting process is
The starting time is the control parameter obtained under the standard load under standard conditions. The controller uses
this parameter as a benchmark to smoothly accelerate the motor to complete the starting process by controlling the output
voltage. It does not mechanically control the starting time value regardless of whether the motor accelerates smoothly. In
view of this, when the load is light, the starting time is often less than the set starting time, as long as it can be starte d
smoothly, it is normal.
02 or 03 sudden jump start mode:
When the setting item F9 is 2 or 3, set the starting mode to this mode.
Figure 5.4.6a and figure 5.4.6b show the output transformation waveform of jump start mode. This mode can be used
when the motor cannot be started due to the influence of mechanical friction in some heavy load cases. When starting,
first apply a higher fixed voltage to the motor for a limited period of time to overcome the static friction of the motor load to
make the motor rotate, and then start by the current limit (Figure 5.4.6a) or voltage mode (Figure 5.4.6b) .
Before using this mode, you should start the motor in non-sudden jump mode. If the motor cannot rotate due to too much
static friction, select this mode; otherwise, you should avoid starting in this mode to reduce unnecessary high current
Fig.5.4.6a Fig.5.4.6b
04 Current ramp starting mode: