(To gain access to these parameters, select a Consume Transaction in the Navigation Section)
Trigger byte address
This parameter specifies location of the trigger byte in the internal memory buffer.
If ‘Update mode’ is set to ‘Change of state on trigger’, the memory location specified
by this parameter is monitored by the gateway. Whenever the trigger byte is updated,
the gateway will produce the transaction on the sub-network.
This way, the control system can instruct the gateway to produce a specific transac-
tion on the sub-network by updating the corresponding trigger byte.
The trigger byte should be incremented by one for each activation.
This parameter has no affect unless the ‘Update mode’ parameter is set to
‘Change of state on trigger’.
Offline options for sub-network
This parameter specifies the action to take for this transaction if the sub-network goes
off-line. This affects the data that is sent to the higher level network.
• Clear
Data is cleared (0) on the higher level network if the sub-network goes offline
• Freeze
Data is frozen on the higher level network if the sub-network goes offline
Offline timeout time (10ms)
This parameter specifies the maximum allowed time between two incoming mes-
sages in steps of 10ms. If this time is exceeded, the sub-network is considered to be
offline. A value of 0 disables this feature, i.e. the sub-network can never go offline.
Trigger byte
• Enable
Enables the trigger byte. The location of the trigger byte must be specified in the
‘Trigger byte address’ (below). The trigger byte value will be increased each time
a valid transaction has been consumed by the gateway.
This feature enables the control system to be notified each time new data has
been consumed on the sub-network.
• Disable
Disables the trigger byte functionality.
Trigger byte address
This parameter specifies the location of the trigger byte in the internal memory buffer.
Valid settings range from 0x000... 0x1FF and 0x400... 0xNNN