GmbH & Co. KG
+49 40 537122-0
+49 40 537122-99
Attention! This device produces dangerous voltage above 3000V.
Due to capacitive charging,
t can still be present even after the device has been switched off!
Please respect the following rules before every start-up of the high voltage amplifier:
The device should be operated only by skilled personnel, in accordance with the local regulations
and the instructions given in this manual.
Before switching the unit on, the experiment set-up should be checked out, and safety should be
assured. High voltage areas have to be sealed off and secured.
In case of suspected damage or malfunction, the device should immediately be put out of service,
and it should be secured against unintentional or accidental operation.
To provide protection for personnel in case of unit failure, the safety ground must always be
connected! Local regulations about grounding should be taken into account.
High voltages may still exist even after the switch-off of the device due to capacitive charge!
Capacitances connected to the outputs of the device can possibly remain charged to dangerous
voltages, even after switching off the device
Before removing any covers disconnect the unit from the power supply!
Before touching the output or working on the experimental setup, disconnect the unit from the
power supply!
The device may only be operated as a component of an overall structure that fully complies with
the regulations for working with high voltage systems.
Personal safety must be given the highest priority!