SVP Address
IP address used to access the SVP via
your production network. Default:
Subnet Mask
IPv4 only. IP address mask that
identifies the range of IP addresses in
the subnet to which the storage system
will be connected.
Subnet Prefix Length
IPv6 only. Subnet prefix length of the
network to which the storage system
will be connected.
Default Gateway
IP address of the default gateway to
which the storage system will be
connected. The gateway is the IP
address of the router used to
communicate outside the local subnet.
DNS Server 1
DNS Server 2
DNS Server 3
IP addresses for up to three Domain
Name Systems (DNS) servers.
8. Click Apply.
9. Wait for the Initial Startup Complete message, and then click Close.
Note: If an error message appears, ping the IP addresses of the two
controllers and SVP. If you receive a response, repeat the Initial Startup.
If you do not receive a response, contact customer support.
Running the Initial Startup wizard
Installing your storage system that includes an SVP
Hitachi Virtual Storage Platform G130 (with SVP) Installation Guide