Using the ice maker for the first time:
Remove first ice (about 30 ice cubes). Odor or dust
may adhere to it. If freezer compartment is not cool
enough, such as on the first time of use, it may take
about 24 hours to make ice.
Supply water to the water tank and set it.
Open the water supply cap.
Supply water to the water tank and firmly mount.
Push the water tank all the way in.
Do not pour liquid except drinking water into the
water tank. It may cause a trouble.
If water tank was dropped, make sure that water
is not leaking from the tank.
Do not put any other liquid, such as juice, hot water,
etc, into the water tank. Doing so could cause
deformation of tank. (Heat-resistant temperature: 50°C)
Taking out ice cubes
Scoop ice cubes from the back to the front using
ice scoop. Return ice scoop to the specified
position after using it.
Water tank set line
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• Supply water to the water tank and set it: Ice making
will be done automatically.
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Ice will collect in the ice cube box automatically. (When ice
supply is low, the sound of ice dropping is clearly audible.)
When water is supplied to ice tray or when ice tray turns to
release ice cubes, a motor and electromagnetic valve
sound is heard. Also, when water tank is empty (not in use),
an operation sound is heard. None of these is a problem.
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Do not put anything other than ice in the inner part of ice cube
box, such as frozen foods, ice cream, etc. If food may be touched
ice detection lever or ice tray, ice making may stop.
Do not touch ice detection lever or ice tray with your hands: You
may be injured if ice tray truns.
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(Ice detection lever) À√◊Õ∂“¥πÈ”·¢Áß (Ice tray) °√–∫«π°“√∑”πÈ”·¢Áß®–À¬ÿ¥∑”ß“π
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Ice scoop
Ice tray
Ice detection lever
Ice cube box
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7/23/08, 4:34 PM