Chapter 2 Features
I/O Number of EH-RMD(Remote mode)
In remote mode, input and output data is treated in a X/Y address.
IO number is decided according to IO assignment by Ladder Editor for Windows®.
However, IO assignment of remote stations should set up by reading real IO assignment, after configuration from configurator.
The assignment rule in remote mode
(1) The output data on DeviceNet is assigned "Y16" and input data is assigned "X16."
(2) Output data is assigned to a head in the slot 0 of a station 0. "Y16" is assigned by the data size registered from confgurator.
(3) When EH-RMD is SOFTWARE VER.02, Input data is assigned from immediately after output data.
”X16” is assigned by the data size registered from configurator.
(4) When EH-RMD is SOFTWARE VER.03, Output data is assigned to a head in the slot 0 of a station 4.
”X16” is assigned by the data size registered from configurator.
Figure 2.3 Ex. IO assignment (SOFTWARE VER.03)