Electrical Connections
This is a potential free input contact only. DO NOT PUT 230VAC INTO THIS CONTACT
The unit has two ways to turn ON/OFF domestic hot
water functions.
SF13: HW On/Off way 1.) remote 2.) keyboard
Hot Water Switch:
When SF13 set= “remote”, Keyboard can not be used
to turn On/Off the DHW and no DHW timezone On/Off
A1-A2 switch is activated to turn On/Off the hot water
hot water switch A1-A2 is bridged, the unit’s hot water
function is activated. An external signal like a timer or
thermostat, etc could be connected to A1-A2 to activate
or deactivate the unit’s hot water function. This external
signal must be voltage free.
Case 2: Install a timer switch inside the house to switch
on/off hot water production automatically
Case 1 : Install a manual switch inside the house to
switch on/off hot water production