System Description
© 2008 HIRSCHMANN Automation and Control GmbH · Branch Office Ettlingen · eMail: [email protected] ·
50 650 19 0201e_Rev C (LinkBelt278).doc / 2008-08-18 / Rev. C / rk
The purpose of the
load moment limitation and control system with
iSCOUT expert compact
(hereafter referred to as LMI) is to provide the crane operator with important information
necessary for the operation of the crane within the areas of operation specified by the manufacturer.
The LMI uses a variety of different sensors to monitor different crane functions and communicates the
crane performance data to the crane operator on a continuous basis. This data changes constantly in
connection with the crane movements.
If the crane nears its safe load limit, the system will warn the crane operator by means of both acous-
tic and optical signals. In addition, as soon as the crane reaches an unauthorized operating status, all
crane movements will be switched off that would increase the load moment on the crane.
system uses a graphics operator interface, the functionality of which is determined
by the crane manufacturer. The selection of the programmed functions is considerably simplified by
the use of symbols.
The load moment limitation and control system based on the PAT
is made up of main com-
ponents that are connected via a CAN bus.
The manufacturer reserves the right to modify the contents of this manual without notice. Hirschmann offers no guarantee
whatsoever for this material, including guarantees with reference to commercial availability and suitability for particular appli-
cations. Hirschmann shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for identical or consequential damages in connection
with the furnishing, performance, or use of this manual. This manual is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. The man-
ual may not be copied, reproduced or translated into another language, neither whole nor in part, without advance written
authorization from Hirschmann.