System Description
© 2008 HIRSCHMANN Automation and Control GmbH · Branch Office Ettlingen · eMail: [email protected] ·
50 650 19 0201e_Rev C (LinkBelt278).doc / 2008-08-18 / Rev. C / rk
Utilization display (bar graph)
Utilization display (bar graph)
indicates how much of the per-
mitted load (nominal moment) is currently being utilized. The load
display also undergoes constant alteration because the nominal
moment changes continuously during lifting operation.
The bar graph is filled with various colors:
green: "safe" range
(0...90% of the nominal moment)
yellow: "pre-warning" range (90...100% of the nominal moment)
red: "overload range"
(>100% of the nominal moment)
(3) "Load
prewarning" light
This yellow prewarning light comes up when the load on the crane
amounts to 90% - 100% of the respective nominal carrying load,
which indicates that an overload situation is immediately pending.
For the crane operator, this means that the crane work can
continue only with the greatest amount of caution.
"Overload" warning light
This red
Overload warning light
indicates to the crane operator that
an overload condition has occurred. It lights up when the crane
load has reached 100% of maximum load carrying capacity permit-
ted for the current operating status. The acoustic alarm sounds.
The load-moment-increasing crane movements are switched off at
the same time.