3.7 Listener Specification Precautions
Multiple command messages can be transferred at once by joining them with
message separators. Since the instrument provides an 128-byte input buffer, the
instrument is unable to receive message strings in excess of 127 characters in
length. In this case, the entire command will be ignored (discarded), and the
Error Register's MLE (Message Length Error) bit will be set.
The output buffer uses a FIFO design, with older data being read first. Conse-
quently, the read value may differ from the expected value under certain circum-
stances, for example if no response is acquired after issuing a query.
Additionally, the output buffer is 511 bytes in size. If data in excess of 511 bytes
is written to the buffer, it will be discarded, and the Error Register's QYE (Query
Error) bit will be set.
Listener Specification Precautions
Input buffer size
Reading from the output buffer