6.4 Operating of the zones
The entry zones can be wired type (logic or balanced) or radio.
A line of entry configured like logic is defined alarmed when doesn’t closed to GND that is when the
sensor placed on the line not short-circuited the block terminal of entry of the zone (Z3 for example) with
one of the terminal blocks common GND.
In the case of programmed like balanced, it’s resulte not alarmed when the impedance existant between
terminal blocks of entry and GND is near about 3300 ohm that is when the sensor placed on the lines
stops the circuit between the block terminal of the zone and the terminal block GND through a resistance
closing of about 3300 ohm.
Every impedance variation both versus values highest (opened line for example to opening of the contact
of the sensor) or versus inferior values ( line in corto for example to manipulation on the same line) they
do alarm the zone on the central unit. At the end of the balanced line (in correspondence of the sensor
further from the central unit) it’s necessary to mount a resistance in series of about 3300 ohm.
Also the line 24h can be configured locùgical or balanced. It’s not possible instead to program it like only
radio zone, and the devices radio installed on the central unit acivate the zone 24h in addition to devices
placed on the lineand to the tamper of the central unit and of the possible console.
The configured zones to receive a radio sensor are opened for about 2 seconds after the sensor
transmitted the entry signal, then the zone is again closed , also the sensor has not provided any signs
of closing zone.
The LED placed on the panel on to signal the opening of a zone.
The activation of a zone that is excluded or not included in the current partialisation (normally with the
LED that falshing every second short) reverse the type of flashing with the LED that is on and off about
every second short.
When the central unit is disconnected the presence of alarmed zones is signalled on the connecotors or
on command devices (for example DX100) with the red LED on ( immediate zones) or with red LED that
off for a moment every second (delayed zones ), while the presence of excluded zones is signalled with a
short flashing of the green LED about every second.
Zone 1 and 2 delayed
To connected installation,the activation of the zone 1 and 2 not excluded, starts a timer configured with
the time of entry programmed.
The closing of the zone doesn’t stop the timing at the end of that the central unit starts the alarm signals
(sirens, messages SMS and calls phone).
On the zone 1 it’s possible to combine the sensor placed on the panel of the central unit sul pannel, in
addition to the sensors placed on the line .
Si consiglia to use the delayed zones to magnetic contacts placed on the entrance doors. The time of
entrance enables to access from theese entry and to achieve the central unit or command devices , to
disconnect the installation.
Using an electric key type DXK or KEY with connector DX200 or DX300 placed away from the protected
zones or a remote control DXR4, it is advisable to program the time of entry at the minimum, because it’s
possible disconnect the installation without to alarm some zone.
6.4.2 Immediate zones
When the installation is connected ,the activation of a immediate zone (3 e 4) starts immediately a round
of alarm of the central unit .
6.4.3 Zone 24h
When the installation is disconnected the activation of the line 24h on thje wired line,for openging of
tamper of the central unit , of the console, or to signalisation of a radio detector, starts a round of alarm of
the duration of 3 minutes.
When the installation is connected,the alarm duration is instead equal to the time configured like alarm
The tamper placed on radio devices, activate the zone 24h in addition to the wired line and to the tamper
of the central unit and the console. The zone radio that send a signal of tamper opening, is memorized
from the central unit that visualize the message "MEM 24H ZONE RF" with the number indication of
zones memorized .
NOTE: If the at the ignition of installation the zone 24h is opened (line 24h and tamper of the central unit
opened) the zone 24h doesn’t produce a round of alarm on the central,but prevent the connection
of the entral unit.
On the display appear the indication :
Only after the first closing of the line 24h of the tamper of the central unit and of console. The
central is ready to generate a round of alarm on opening of the zone 24h.
H 2 4 D I S A B L E D
Use of the central unit
- XR
800GSM - Installation guide and use