NOTEs ON ThErmal ExpaNsiON:
SOLARMOUNT-I is designed to minimize the effects of thermal expansion by allowing the beams to expand and contract independently between con-
nections and attachments. To minimize the effect of thermal expansion, restrict continuous beam lengths to 36 feet or three standard beam lengths.
NOTE ON spliCEs:
Please refer to technical datasheets for recommended distances between splices.
Use anti-seize on bolt and tighten nut to 10 foot-pounds.
Step 4A: Install Splices (
1) - Use when splicing two beams at a connection.
Splice Bar
Tighten nut to 10 foot pounds with anti-seize
Step 4B: Install Splices (
2) - Place at least one splice to act as a retaining clip over a flange
connection for every run of beam. This may require field drilling.
Splice as
Retaining Clip
(field drill holes
as required)
Grounding Clip