Chapter 7
Drying System
1. Squeegee
2. Squeegee Support
3. Suction hoses Body
4. Suction Cover and Floater
5. Recovery Tank
6. Suction Motor
The machine
dries the floor using an
integrated Drying System.
After the washing
, the solution used
with the mechanical action of the brush
to remove the dirt, is collected by a
system which vacuum it out from the
The system
is basically made by a
vacuum motor which produces an un-
derpressure in the system.
This underpressure causes an air flow
which flows in the whole vacuum sys-
The air that flows
in the squeegee
(when it is lowered on the floor) allows it
to collect the water on the floor and, via
the vacuum system through the suction
hose, is brought to the recovery tank.
In the recovery tank
the water mixed
with the dirt stops and the air keep flow-
ing throughout the circuit reaching the
vacuum motor and being discharged in
the environment.