6. Set the arming schedule.
7. Set the linkage actions.
8. Click Apply.
Line Crossing Detection
Line crossing detection detects people, vehicles, and objects crossing a set virtual line. The
detection direction can be set as bidirectional, from left to right or from right to left.
1. Go to Configuration → Event → Smart Event → Line Crossing .
2. Select Camera to configure.
3. Check Enable Line Crossing Detection.
4. Check Save VCA Picture to save the captured pictures of VCA detection.
5. Set the detection rules and detection areas.
1) Select Arming Area. Up to 4 arming areas are selectable.
2) Select Direction as A<->B, A->B, or A<-B.
• A<->B:Only the arrow on the B side shows. An object crossing a configured line in both
directions can be detected and trigger alarms.
• A->B:Only an object crossing the configured line from the A side to the B side can be
• B->AOnly an object crossing the configured line from the B side to the A side can be
3) Click Draw Area and draw a quadrilateral in the preview window by specifying four vertexes
of the detection region.
6. Set the arming schedule.
7. Set the linkage actions.
8. Click Apply.
Region Entrance Detection
Region entrance detection function detects people, vehicle or other objects which enter a pre-
defined virtual region from the outside place, and some certain actions can be taken when the
alarm is triggered.
1. Go to Configuration → Event → Smart Event → Region Entrance .
2. Select Camera to configure.
3. Check Enable Region Entrance Detection.
4. Check Save VCA Picture to save the captured pictures of VCA detection.
5. Set the detection rules and detection areas.
1) Select Arming Area. Up to 4 arming areas are selectable.
Digital Video Recorder User Manual