Up to 8 periods can be configured for each day. And the time periods cannot
be overlapped with each other.
e. Click OK to save the settings and go back to upper level menu.
Figure 5-17 Edit Schedule
a. Click to select schedule type as Continuous or Event.
b. On the table, drag the mouse on the desired period to draw a colored bar.
5. Click Apply.
5.4.3 Configure Recording Parameter
1. Go to Configuration → Record → Parameter .
2. Configure recording parameters.
Main Stream
Main stream refers to the primary stream that affects data recorded to the hard disk drive
and will directly determine your video quality and image size. Comparing with the sub-
stream, the main stream provides a higher quality video with higher resolution and frame
Sub-stream is a second codec that runs alongside the mainstream. It allows you to reduce
the outgoing internet bandwidth without sacrificing your direct recording quality. Sub-stream
is often exclusively used by smartphone applications to view live video. Users with limited
internet speeds may benefit most from this setting.
Frame Rate
Digital Video Recorder User Manual