User Manual of DS-6600 Audio/Video Encoder
Stop bits: 1
Flow control: None
Press “Apply” and “OK” after the setup.
Press “Enter” under Hyper Terminal interface. When “$” appears, the connection is established.
Figure 3.4 Test the Establishment of Connection
Step5: Disconnect and save connection
According to the tips, disconnect and save “HK” for the next time. After saving, there will be a new “Hyper
Terminal” item established in the program group “Start”-> “Accessories”->“Communications”->“Hyper
Terminal”. “Connection” names of all Hyper Terminal are included. You can see an icon named as “HK” here.
Figure 3.5 Disconnect and Save Connection
3.2 Network Configuration by Hyper Terminal
Enter Hyper Terminal
Click “Start”->“Programs”->“Accessories”->“Communications”->“Hyper Terminal”->“HK”, then the Hyper
Terminal interface will appear.
Press “Enter” and the symbol “$” will appear which means the current default login user is
refer to Table 3.1 for the permission of
user account).