10.1 Update Firmware
Updating phone program files, such as gf302_iax2_us_010010.bin
10.2 Update Configurations
Settings file of the phone is a binary file(.dat). Steps of generating the file are:
1. use getopt.bat to get the settings.txt, for example:
getopt (Enter)
2. Modify settings.txt and save it if necessary
3. Use convert command to convert a text file settings.txt to a binary file settings.dat.
convert -c settings.txt settings.dat (Enter)
4. Update the phone with settings.dat
Note:getopt.bat and convert.exe can be found at: http://www.goldenfuture.com.cn/download_en.html
10.3 Update Phonebook
Phonebook file is a binary file. Steps of generating it are:
1. Use getpb.bat to get phonebook.txt, for example:
2. Modify phonebook.txt and save it if necessary
3. Use convert command to convert phonebook.txt to a binary file phonebook.dat, for example:
convert -p phonebook.txt phonebook.dat (Enter)
4. Update the phone with phonebook.dat
Note:getpb.bat and convert.exe can be found at: http://www.goldenfuture.com.cn/download_en.html
10.4 Update Ringtone File
It is a binary file for updating phone ring tone. Steps of generating it are:
1. Record a pcm ring (check related chapter)
2. Use convert command to convert ringtone.pcm to a binary file ringtone_allice.dat, for example:
convert -r ringtone.pcm ringtone_allice.dat (Enter)
3. Update the phone with ringtone_allice.dat
10.5 Update Call Hold Music File
It is a binary file for updating call hold music. Steps of generating it are:
1. Record a pcm ring (check related chapter)
2. Use convert command to convert holdmusic.pcm to a binary file holdmusic_allice.dat, for example:
convert -r holdmusic.pcm holdmusic_allice.dat (Enter)
3. Update the phone with holdmusic_allice.dat
11. Create Music File
Music file, including phone ringtone file and call hold music file, is a binary file and can be updated to a phone. Phone
ringtone file is stored in page2-page4 and call hold file in page5-page7, each part is 192K(3
64K ).
Tone is sampled at 8k points per second and compressed by 8-bit mu law with 1 Byte per sample point. We set 32768 Bytes
(32K) as a section and use 32640Bytes of them;the last 128Bytes are not used. So, 4.08 seconds music can be stored in one
section.The size of a music file is 196608Bytes (6
32768Bytes) and the music stored in it can plays 6
The size of music file must be 196608 Bytes. If not, errors will take place.