Cutoff types
Option 1 :
Hard cutoff
When battery voltage reaches cut-off volt-
age the motor will shutdown immediately.
Motor can be restarted by closing the throt-
tle to the lowest position and then move the
throttle as normal.
Option 2:
Soft cutoff
When battery voltage reaches cut-off volt-
age, the ESC will slowly reduce motor
power to zero
, you will notice a decrease
in power and it is time to land, the throttle
maintains its full linear.
Option 1:Soft start
Recommended for helicopters
Option 2:
Standard start
Recommended for most of the fixed or
folding prop airplanes, and some heli-
Option 3: Fast start Recommended for fastest startup.
Start types
Fly Modes
Option 1: Fix End-
Recommended for fixed wing air-
craft and EDF
Option 2: External
ESC turn over the throttle signal to
external FBL controllers such as
VBar, Skookum,MB,BeastX etc
Option 3: Governor
ESC Internal Governor
PWM rate
Option 1: 8 KHz
Recommended for most brushless mo-
Option 2: 10KHz
Option 3: 12KHz
Option 4: 16 KHz
Recommended for very low inductance
Option 5: 20 KHz
Option 6: 24 KHz
Option 7: 28 KHz
Option 8: 32 KHz
Active FreeWheeling
Option 1: (default)
Option 2:
ON ( helicopter mode )
than its body diode, so much less heat is dissipated. ESC‟s that
are equipped with active freewheeling are able to operate over a
wider range of throttle percentages due to the more optimized
PWM algorithm that is used. This means that you can run lower
head speeds without having to re-gear or worry about your ESC
blowing up!
We strongly recommend you to option Active
Freewheeling ‘On’ as you option the Governor Mode
helicopter mode
Page 3
ctive FreeWheeling
comes in when, instead of running at
partial throttle through the FET body diodes, as one FET
switches off, the “freewheeling” diode switches on to allow the
“freewheeling” current to flow through it instead of it‟s body
diode. Since the resistance of the FET is much much lower