V30 GNSS RTK System Manual
2. Choose the right PC port and click “connect port”
3. Refresh list, the observation data files will be in the list
4. File name: 8 digit character: the first chart is replaced by
underline, the second, third, and forth are the last two numbers
of S/N number of the receiver from which the data is collected;
the fifth, sixth, and seventh is the year-accumulated-date; the
last chard is the collecting period of the day
5. Set up time: GNSS time.
6. Delete data: choose the data need to be deleted, click delete
7. Change collecting interval and satellite cutoff/elevation
angle: input value and click set parameters. Click read
parameters to view the original collecting interval and satellite
cutoff angle.
Static data post processing:
The new post processing software of Hi-Target is
Hi-Target Geomatics Office (HGO), use this software to do
post processing.
Please refer to “Hi-Target Geomatics Office Data Post
Processing Software Manual” for detailed information of data