CHUCK Bolting Data Processor
Operations Manual
CHUCK and all materials within copyright HEX TECHNOLOGY (2021)
Once zeroing is complete, the status will change to “Trial 1 Running” and the start button will
change to a pause button (
Begin tightening studs. The load on each bolt will display in real time along with an average for
all four bolts in that trial.
Once you have finished applying torque to
all studs, press the pause (
) button to save
the values measured within that trial.
Press the start button (
) to begin the next
trial. Repeat to record up to five trials.
The controls on the page also include a back
button (
), that you can use to repeat a
trial, and a reset button (
) that you can
use to clear the screen and start a new
operation at Trial 1.
Torque Stand Quick Reference
Press “Play” (
) to start a trial.
Apply torque to bolts.
Press “Pause” (
) to stop the trial and record
the bolt readings.
Press “Play” (
) to start a new trial.
Repeat for up to five (5) trials.
To adjust or redo a trial, Press the “Back” (